School admissions


There are two different types of admissions – those to start school at the ‘normal’ time for the start of the Reception year, and those for places in other year groups or at any other time – these are called ‘in-year’ applications for school places.  In-year applications are made for example when a child is already attending one school and the parent/carers wish to move their child from one school to another, and when a family moves to a different area and needs a new school place for their child(ren).

The admission authority for our school is East Riding of Yorkshire Council and admissions applications are co-ordinated by the Local Authority.

If you would like to visit the school when considering making an application, please call 01482 653388.

How do I apply for a ‘normal’ school place for my child?

Applications to start our school for the first time, for the start of Reception should be made direct to the Local Authority in which you live by the deadline for applications.  Late applications will be considered after those submitted by the deadline, often when there are no places available so it is important that you apply on-time.  If you live in the East Riding of Yorkshire Council area, then you can find more information about ‘normal’ admissions processes, deadlines, details of the appeal process and other information at  If you live outside the East Riding, you should apply to your ‘home’ Local Authority and not East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

There is no supplementary information form when applying for a place at our school.

How do I apply for an ‘in-year’ school place for my child?

Applications for school places are made through the local authority’s co-ordinated admissions scheme for in-year applications.  Applications to start our school in-year should be made direct to the Local Authority no earlier than one term before the place is required, and it is recommended that you apply no later than a period of twenty school days, that is four weeks in term time, before you wish for the place to be available for your child.  Applications are considered in the order that they have been received, for example if there is one space available in a year group, the parent/carer who applied for their place first will likely be allocated the place for their child.  Proof of residence may be required before places can be allocated, and the school fully adheres to the East Riding Fair Access Protocol.  Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application as soon as is possible, though this is commonly ten school days after an application has been received, but may be later in certain circumstances.

If you live in the East Riding of Yorkshire Council area, then you can find more information about ‘in-year’ admissions processes, and details of the co-ordinated admissions scheme at where you can also find and download an application form along with details of how to appeal for a school place where you have been refused.  If you live outside the East Riding, you should apply to your ‘home’ Local Authority and not East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

There is no supplementary information form when applying for a place at our school.

Who makes decisions on school admissions applications?

As we are a community/voluntary controlled school, the admissions authority for the school is East Riding of Yorkshire Council.  It is the admission authority who determines whether there is an available place based upon the capacity of the class/year group and the number of pupils already on roll, but the Council do so working closely with schools when applications are received.

Who should I contact with queries on school admissions?

You can contact the East Riding School Admissions Team by email at, by writing to School Admissions Team, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA.  You can also call 01482 392100 in school hours.

Admissions Arrangements:

july, 2024

‘All the foundation staff are amazing and he has loved every minute!’

Parent testimonials

‘My son has left Carr Lane a confident, happy pupil with a large circle of friends thanks to all of the wonderful opportunities and experiences that the fabulous team at Carr Lane have provided over the years. It’s a wonderful school with a great community feel and I am proud to be a Carr Lane parent.’

Parent testimonials

‘I love the experiences that he gets by being a Carr Lane Pupil and thoroughly recommend the school.’

Parent testimonials

‘Willerby Carr Lane is a fantastic school, with nurturing and caring staff who strive to support the children in achieving their full potential. I would have no hesitation in recommending this as a school to any parent.’

Parent testimonials

‘In my eyes, this is an outstanding school and is highly recommended!’

Parent testimonials

‘A very warm and friendly school who have loved and nurtured my daughter.’

Parent testimonials

‘Both of our girls who are five years apart in age attended WCLPS and received a first class education in a safe, caring and inspirational environment. Thank you all so much for this priceless start to their learning journey.’

Parent testimonials

‘I have been particularly impressed with the way in which Care Lane teach the non core curriculum subjects such as DT and music. The children get a really great deal at Carr Lane with a carefully crafted curriculum from Caring and expert staff. Thank you.’

Parent testimonials

‘He has not only developed in his ability but in his confidence!’

Parent testimonials

‘He skips into school everyday and due to learning being so much fun he always wants to learn and develop his skills…’

Parent testimonials

‘The teacher has understood his educational needs and given him the environment and support to let him improve. Thank you so much.’

Parent testimonials

‘She has enjoyed another year at school and continued to develop academically as well as skipping off into the room happily every morning which is massively important to a parent!’

Parent testimonials

‘This is one of the reasons people move to Willerby’

Parent testimonials

‘I would definitely recommend Carr Lane Primary school to any parent. As a mum I have loved the welcoming, friendly, family style attitude that has let us join in with trips, teaching, helping, mums races,PFA etc. I will truly miss being part of the Carr Lane family team and want to thank everyone over the years for contributing so much to my boys educational journey. Well done to you all and thank you again.’

Parent testimonials

‘We have had 3 children go to Carr Lane School and their years there have been extremely happy, our eldest moved from another school to Carr Lane in Year 1 when we moved house and it was the best decision we ever made. He became a happier boy overnight and started to enjoy school. I would have no hesitation in recommending this school to another parent.’

Parent testimonials

‘What an amazing start for him at Carr Lane I can’t thank you enough.’

Parent testimonials

‘She is very capable and the teachers have always gently pushed her to excel and achieve her potential. Thank you.’

Parent testimonials

‘She is always so keen and happy to go to school.’

Parent testimonials

‘The EYFS department are a brilliant group of teachers and we will miss them greatly.’

Parent testimonials

reat education, help when needed, high standards, feeling secure, great environment to learn and a great team of staff and Head Teacher.’

Parent testimonials

‘She enjoys going to school and takes every task on with her own enthusiasm and enjoys all subject areas.’

Parent testimonials

‘All of the staff at Willerby Carr Lane work together to create a happy and welcoming environment for children to learn, develop and grow into confident, well rounded children.’

Parent testimonials

‘He has been very enthusiastic about his school work and enjoyed every moment of his time.’

Parent testimonials

‘A happy, content little boy — a product of your environment. Our continued thanks.’

Parent testimonials

‘We have two children at the school and we never hear any complaints about the school from them and I can honestly say all the teachers have been superb.’

Parent testimonials

‘So pleased with my child’s progress at Carr Lane. Can’t believe how far he has come in 2 years! The staff are incredibly caring and lessons are well thought out.’

Parent testimonials

‘Couldn’t have picked a better school!!’

Parent testimonials

‘The patience & understanding of the staff has been amazing!’

Parent testimonials

‘The teaching staff really understood my child and how to get the best out of him.’

Parent testimonials

‘Excellent. Improved beyond our expectations. Pushed to his potential in all areas especially reading.’

Parent testimonials

‘She has loved the musical opportunities in the form of singing.’

Parent testimonials

‘He really has progressed so much since starting school and has become such a confident boy.’

Parent testimonials

‘He has been happy every day and enjoys school.’

Parent testimonials

‘He loves school and I feel that he has been pushed which is good.’

Parent testimonials

‘He has developed in every area and the progress that he has made has been outstanding!’

Parent testimonials

‘Teachers have been supportive and helpful and he has done fantastically with his learning in all aspects!’

Parent testimonials

‘When he completed his year 4 spellings they tried him with year 5 then year 6 which he has all completed. I like the fact that they didn’t just let him coast.’

Parent testimonials

‘A Fantastic school and my child is very happy here!’

Parent testimonials