Year 1 curriculum overview

At Carr Lane Willerby Primary School we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which seeks to inspire and motivate all learners.

Download our yearly curriculum overviews:

Download our curriculum knowledge organisers:

Year 1 Autumn Spring Summer
Mathematics Maths Maths Maths
Science Materials

Seasonal Change (Autumn/ Winter)

Seasonal Change (Spring/ Summer) Plants


Art & Design Painting – Kandinsky Drawing – Self Portrait

Collage – Frost and Matisse

Whole School Art Project
Coding Coding

Online safety


Technology Outside of School


DT Structures – houses Moving Mechanisms

Fruit Salad

Hand Puppets
Geography Our School & Willerby Bridlington The UK
History The Great Fire of London

Our School & Willerby over time

The Seaside Toys
Music Hey You!

Rhythym in the way we walk!

In the Groove Round & Round

Your Imagination

PE Locomotion – Jumping

Ball skills – Hands

Dance – Growing

Gymnastics – Body Parts

Locomotion – Running

Ball skills – Feet

Dance – Seasons

Gymnastics – Wide, Narrow, Curled

Athletics – Sports Day

Attack v Defence

Dance – Maypole

Gymnastics – Rocking and Rolling

‘Enthusiastic Curriculum Leaders: Pupils, including those with special needs, benefit from scaffolded tasks and appropriately pitched work.’

‘Support for Early Career Teachers: An emotional literacy support assistant has been employed to enhance the special educational needs and disabilities team, providing valuable support to parents and pupils.’

‘Governance and Safeguarding: Governors have a strong understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, effectively supporting and challenging the school leadership.’

‘Student Responsibility and Community Engagement: The school offers numerous lunchtime and after-school clubs, fostering interests in sports and creative arts.’

‘Wider Development Opportunities: The school promotes pupils’ wider development through opportunities beyond the curriculum, such as links with a school in Uganda, debates, sustainability awareness, and diverse role models.’

‘Student Responsibility and Community Engagement: Year 6 pupils are given responsibilities, such as being ‘dinner buddies’ and leading celebration assemblies.’

‘Governance and Safeguarding: Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with consistent training and comprehensive incident logging.’

‘Effective Phonics Teaching: Reading books match the taught sounds, and additional support is provided for pupils needing extra help.’

‘Effective Phonics Teaching: The school is considering a new phonics program to maintain high-quality teaching.’

‘Student Responsibility and Community Engagement: Pupils also engage in community activities, like making Christmas food hampers and starting a road safety campaign.’

‘Enthusiastic Curriculum Leaders: Curriculum leaders have clear visions for their subjects, with PE and mathematics leaders investing in schemes to support teachers.’

‘Effective Phonics Teaching: The phonics leader ensures consistent teaching of phonics across the school.’

Ofsted quotes:

‘Support for Early Career Teachers: The school supports early career teachers with training from subject leaders.’

‘Well-Planned Curriculum: The school has redesigned its curriculum to build on existing knowledge, with all teachers responsible for specific areas.’

‘Well-Planned Curriculum: Curriculum leaders have developed knowledge organisers to identify key knowledge, skills, and vocabulary, which are shared with families and pupils.’

‘Happy and Safe Environment: Pupils feel happy and safe at school, working cooperatively and responding well to teachers’ instructions. They perceive the behavior policy as fair and report that bullying is rare.’