Home-School Partnership
We wish to create a culture of learning, where children are happy, enthusiastic, motivated and ambitious. We encourage mutual respect, support and collaboration between all adults and children, both within the school and the wider community.
We believe that it is important to provide a secure, caring and stimulating environment for all our children, thereby promoting a sense of pride in our school. This can be done most effectively when all staff, parents and children understand their responsibilities and work together towards the same goals.
The excellent reputation enjoyed by the school is built on the effective partnership between home and school. Parents are always welcome here. If you have any concerns about things happening at home or at school, don’t keep it to yourself, please let us know as soon as possible.
In the first instance, you may want to talk to the class teacher. Quick messages can be passed over in the morning; if you want a longer chat, please arrange to meet after school. If you are still concerned, you may want to make an appointment with the Headteacher.
All the staff at WCLPS are approachable and ready to discuss the welfare of children in their care.
Working in Partnership for Success
The school will support you by:
In turn we expect that you will:
‘Governance and Safeguarding: Governors have a strong understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, effectively supporting and challenging the school leadership.’
‘Support for Early Career Teachers: An emotional literacy support assistant has been employed to enhance the special educational needs and disabilities team, providing valuable support to parents and pupils.’
‘Support for Early Career Teachers: The school supports early career teachers with training from subject leaders.’
‘Well-Planned Curriculum: Curriculum leaders have developed knowledge organisers to identify key knowledge, skills, and vocabulary, which are shared with families and pupils.’
‘Student Responsibility and Community Engagement: Year 6 pupils are given responsibilities, such as being ‘dinner buddies’ and leading celebration assemblies.’
‘Effective Phonics Teaching: The school is considering a new phonics program to maintain high-quality teaching.’
‘Enthusiastic Curriculum Leaders: Pupils, including those with special needs, benefit from scaffolded tasks and appropriately pitched work.’
‘Wider Development Opportunities: The school promotes pupils’ wider development through opportunities beyond the curriculum, such as links with a school in Uganda, debates, sustainability awareness, and diverse role models.’
‘Happy and Safe Environment: Pupils feel happy and safe at school, working cooperatively and responding well to teachers’ instructions. They perceive the behavior policy as fair and report that bullying is rare.’
‘Enthusiastic Curriculum Leaders: Curriculum leaders have clear visions for their subjects, with PE and mathematics leaders investing in schemes to support teachers.’
‘Governance and Safeguarding: Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with consistent training and comprehensive incident logging.’
‘Well-Planned Curriculum: The school has redesigned its curriculum to build on existing knowledge, with all teachers responsible for specific areas.’
‘Effective Phonics Teaching: The phonics leader ensures consistent teaching of phonics across the school.’
‘Student Responsibility and Community Engagement: Pupils also engage in community activities, like making Christmas food hampers and starting a road safety campaign.’
‘Effective Phonics Teaching: Reading books match the taught sounds, and additional support is provided for pupils needing extra help.’
‘Student Responsibility and Community Engagement: The school offers numerous lunchtime and after-school clubs, fostering interests in sports and creative arts.’